If I even began to tell you all the wonderful blessings that my wonderful Lord and Savior has so richly bestowed on me this last month you would have to be willing to sit down and listen to me for hours. I will how ever give a few of the highlights.
Noah and I got married on May 28th. In Ladysmith, WI. It was a beautiful day and many of our family and friends attended, Noah's parents were unable to attend due to a heart attack that his Dad had suffered several weeks before the wedding. (Praise the Lord he is ok and on the road to complete recovery). My grandpa was able to marry us so that was a very special thing as well. Everything went very well and I have so many wonderful family and friends to thank I could have never gotten the beautiful day I wanted without all theirs help. I give all the praise for the wonderful wedding we had to the Lord. The main focus I wanted for my wedding was it to be glorifying to the Lord. Also with the wedding came the wonderful help of so many friends and family in setting up and the clean up.
Honeymoon!! Noah and I went to Hawaii for our honeymoon and were able to be there for a whole week. It was absolutely wonderful. It was so cool to be able to see the ocean and stick my toes in the warm water. I expected it to be cold but, it was warm and blue as could be. We were able to see so many beautiful sites. Our God is such a beautiful creator! The best part about our trip was just being able to spend time together. I love you Noah!
It was just BEAUTIFUL!!!
I never got tired of looking at the ocean or seeing all the flowers. It was a very beautiful trip.