I just got married three and a half weeks ago. I have been wanting to start a blog for sometime now but decided I would just wait till after I was married and not working as much. So now I am going to give my feeble attempt at trying to figure out how this thing works. :)
I love to cook and bake. These past two weeks have been wonderful as I try out new and old recipes for Noah. Most he like but a few have not been his favorite. I also love how he is willing to try anything for me and will not complain. He even eats the things that he does not like and finds out he does like somethings better than he thought. We have established however that beets are something he would like to never grace our humble table! One problem...his wife LOVES them!!!, and her mother has them in her garden. We will just keep working on that one. I also love to make cards and scrapbook and always the look out for new hobbies. My wonderful husband so graciously gave me the bigger of the spare rooms to set up a sewing room. We will see how far that goes. It is currently my junk room! I did however manage to set up two beds and two playpens so my mom and sister could sleep in there with my two nephews.
I have been working on the house and setting it up. It is slowly coming along. My mom, sisters, and nephews came last weekend and helped me tremendously. I am enjoying it so much. It is fun to come up with new ideas and just making this house my home and making it my own. Noah does not understand all my madness (hence the bikes being moved from the porch to the garage where in my mind they belong but not in his), but is very willing to help his new CRAZY wife out. The car keys however did stay on his dresser much against his wife's idea. The Lord is good though and by His grace all of these little housekeeping difference can all be solved with just simple discussion instead of major arguments. I love my husband so much!